"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature"
Mark 16:15
Before we take on a missionary to support, we make sure all our missionaries believe just like we do. God wants everyone to know about Him and that's one of the many reasons why we support missionaries. They go to places we can't go to personally. Whether it be the kids in Thailand or the people of Belize, we must take the gospel to them and tell them about Jesus. If you would like to donate to a specific missionary or missions in general, please click the donate button.
The following form must be completed in full by all missionaries or mission organizations who are seeking financial support. No financial support will be granted until this form has been completed. Please keep in mind that we receive messages & calls for a multitude of missionaries and organizations seeking financial support each month. We cannot possible help everyone financially that reaches out to us. Our time is valuable, as is yours; therefore, once you submit this form, it is not necessary to contact us again concerning this matter.
Please trust the LORD to speak to our hearts & give us the wisdom of who to help each month.