We would like to eliminate some stress that's associated with visiting a new church. Below are some questions you may have about us. If you have any further questions, we would love to hear from you! We hope to see you & your family in our next church service!
Q & A
1. Where do I take my children?
Starting with our nursery, there is something special for children of all ages. During all services, we provide a safe, clean & well staffed nursery for children 0-3 years of age. Please drop your child off at the nursery before the service starts.
For children ages 4-12, there are fun, Bible-centered classes. These classes are staffed with friendly & qualified teachers & helpers who will make church a fun, exciting & memorable experience for your child.
Your child will stay with you in the church service until they are dismissed to their own classes.
2. What about my teens?
Starting with our nursery, there is something special for children of all ages. During all services, we provide a safe, clean & well staffed nursery for children 0-3 years of age. Please drop your child off at the nursery before the service starts.
For children ages 4-12, there are fun, Bible-centered classes. These classes are staffed with friendly & qualified teachers & helpers who will make church a fun, exciting & memorable experience for your child.
Your child will stay with you in the church service until they are dismissed to their own classes.
3. How should I dress?
There is no strict dress code to attend one of our public services, but in case you were wondering, we believe that women should wear modest apparel {dress or skirt below the knee} and men in a dress shirt, tie & dress slacks.
4. Am I expected to participate in the offering?
No, we do not invite you to Academy Street Baptist Church for your offerings. We want our service to be a gift to you. We hope you find in this place a warm family spirit, a truth from God's word & a place where you can grow in God's grace. Please do not feel any obligation to participate in the offering time as our guest.
5. What version of the Bible do you use?
We believe the KJV Bible to be the verbally inspired, infallible, inerrant, & perfect Word of God; divinely preserved in the King James Version & is the final authority in matters of the church doctrine & godly living.
Other Questions?
If there is a question we missed, please feel free to reach out by phone call or ask a greeter when you arrive. Whether you are new to the area & looking for a new church, or it's been awhile since you've attended church at all, we hope your first visit at Academy Street Baptist church will be a great experience! We exist to serve you & your family, & we are looking forward to meeting you personally. We hope you feel right at home from the very first step on our property.
We hope to see you this Sunday!